Friday, 26 September 2003

stress factors

i spent part of this afternoon in a foodcourt sipping iced coffee reflecting on the events of the past week.. initially, i didn't want to post about this as it is somewhat private. but then, i realised that this "methodology" i came up with for analysing the stresses in my life is actually pretty cool (pardon me for the unabashed self-praise.. :p) and i should share it 'cos it really helped me to see where i am now..

what i did was as follows:

1. I sat down with a sheet of foolscap paper and a pen and wrote down all the "significant events, people and thoughts" that i encountered this week. I came up with a hefty 25. I define "significant" as what i can recall, quite easily, off the top of my head.

2. On another column, i put a tick for those events that either (a) clearly caused me stress or (b) could potentially create feelings of stress in me..

3. Similarly, in the same column, I put an "O" for those events that, on the other hand, gave me either (a) support or (b) confidence

4. I totalled up the ticks and the "O"s.

5. Guess what? The ticks exceeded the Os by 1. I had 13 ticks and 12 Os... no wonder I am "under considerable stress" and yet "able to exert control"... almost a tie, with the stresses winning a little..


anyhow, i thought this week's "Theme Thursday" theme was really good: "All Is Good".. i submitted this sunrise panorama I took this morning as my participation entry.. :)

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