Tuesday, 26 November 2002

i love books and i love reading... which is why being sandwiched between the two most wonderful places in town for books (Kinokuniya @ Takashimaya - which is indisputably the best bookstore in Singapore, and Library@Orchard - which allows me to bring all these otherwise really expensive books home for free) isn't exactly a good idea... even walking through the bookstore without buying anything, just thumbing through the thousands of books on display - checking out the latest award winners, or browsing through the library when my loan quota has already been reached, pleases me immensely... i used to even buy hardcover books just for the spines, imagining what they would look like on the bookshelf (good friend lynn can attest to that :p) i think i am a book addict.. i still dream of opening a cafe one day just displaying all the books that i have accumulated all these years (so my mum can stop complaining about the growing book warehouse at home) where people can spend all afternoon reading and drinking coffee al fresco under shady trees or beach umbrellas... pondering on the meaning of life.....wow.. picture that in your mind... :)

someone (i think it was my Marketing lecturer) once told us that he can predict how anyone will turn out in the future just by knowing what and how many books they read and the friends they keep. Just today, i read something similar:

"You are the same today as you'll be in five years except for two things, the people you meet and the books you read"
(Charles E. "T" Jones)

isn't it so true? most of what motivates us comes from who we meet at different points in our lives and what we read and encounter along the way.. umm.. :)

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