Tuesday, 5 November 2002

i have just been to see the family doctor and was prescribed a colourful array of medicine with the names Trizine, Febrax, Dhasedyl Syrup and the common Paracetamol. I decided to find out what the Internet had to say about them.. a google search for "Trizine" and its scientific name "Trimethoprim Sulfadiazine" turned out...

Animal Health Products. TRIZINE Injection 50 ml vial. Antibacterial (Livestock). Generic Name : Trimethoprim, Sulphadiazine. ... lifestock medicine...umm...

...If trizine herbicides (atrazine/simazine) were used on the row crop, their residual effects can injure legumes planted the following spring. ... herbicide?.. umm...

Drug-Induced Immune Hypersensitivity Disorders in Two dogs Treated with Trimethoprim Sulfadiazine ... treatment for dogs??

Pharmacokinetics of trimethoprim/sulfadiazine in neonatal calves; influence of synovitis. J. Vet. Pharmacol. ... hahaha... neonatal calves!!!!

Drug Therapy in Pet Rodents... enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, cephaloridine, oxytetracycline, sulfamethazine, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and trimethoprim-sulfadiazine. ... i'm fed the same thing my friend SA feeds her gerbils with when they are ill!! :O

luckily, febrax and dhasedyl syrup are real human medicines... phew! maybe ignorance is bliss after all...

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