Wednesday, 31 October 2001

hey everyone, thanks for the concern, support and good advice! :) am feeling much better today... best piece of sound advice i got today (other than "Don't Kill Yourself!" :p) is "Give yourself a longer lag time to complete each task.." simple and yet spot-on.. ya, one of my weak points.. overpromising and then killing myself to try to meet the raised expectations of others... bad strategy... don't know when I started doing that but i am promising myself a more reasonable working style and schedule from tomorrow.. i'm not going to take on any more than I can handle..

Stephen Covey (of 7 habits fame) says: Many of what we call "time management" frustrations - felling hassled, pressured, caught in dilemmas - are, at the core, problems of inner dissonance. - me? inner dissonance?.. umm.... maybe i should be more like pooh..

will be in bed latest by half 12 tonight.. definitely... got a long day ahead tomorrow... and its mum's birthday too... :)

url: The Indian Superman (1987)

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