Saturday, 7 December 2002

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri! (pick your own greeting card :p)

took a quick glance at Edward de Bono's 'Six Thinking Hats' book just now at Kinokuniya.. seems like a really interesting technique to help confused, overwhelmed people like me make decisions for all areas of life, especially in terms of work.. the technique advocates considering a problem from 6 important perspectives, systematically, so as to get a more rounded view of a situation. You imagine you are putting on different coloured hats, each representing a different style of thinking, from creatively, cautiously, intuitively, analytically, etc... so at the end of it, problems are supposed to get solved a lot more quickly and also comprehensively.. but quite an expensive book.. will try to get it from the library instead..

we also saw this book called "The 36 Strategies of the Chinese: Adapting Ancient Chinese Wisdom to the Business World".. see a list of the 36 strategies here... sometimes, i hate to read about the business world like it's some sort of battlefield.. maybe i'm just naive, but i've always looked at business as just another aspect of modern society - to serve people, driven by the invisible hand.. if you see a want to be met and you fill it, everyone benefits. to win over your competition, you provide the best service or best price (or best value) available and everyone benefits even more.. something like that..

battlefield?.. sigh.. i don't know...

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