Sunday, 26 May 2002

something triggered off this restlessness in me recently... i don't know when and i don't know what, but i suddenly feel that the good life i'm having now just doesn't seem to be so fulfilling anymore.. maybe life is too good.. so good it almost feels unreal.. after a while, i start to wonder if i'm fulifilling myself or just fulfilling time in a great way (i'm really not grumbling about how things are now.. in fact, life has never been better.. just that.... :( ... )

i have this nagging feeling inside me that tells me that there is a greater purpose in this life of mine.. and clues about it are scattered about in what's happening to me and around me and my response to them... maybe i need to be more conscious of what motivates me, what attracts me, frustrates me, what i can do for hours at a stretch without feeling tired or bored, the special talents and gifts that God has placed in me, and opportunities that come in and out of my life... and maybe also what i find myself admiring in others....

maybe like what a good friend just told me... i need to give myself some time off, away from the noise and hustle and bustle, to reflect on all these things and not just brush them away....

btw, who's this Josh Groban guy everyone's talking about? He's actually put his whole album online for us to hear his wonderful voice!

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