Friday, 24 May 2002

alb discovered a case of blatant bandwidth theft two days ago when this portuguese guy stole this cool pic hosted on alb's server

blue screen of death
and linked it directly on his own site.. as you know.. bandwidth stealing is bad.... :p

so we decided to cheekily change it to this pic to embarrass the guy and watch for his reaction..

powerpuff girls!

this is what he wrote in his blog after that: que porra foi aquela de meninas super poderosas aqui no blog????
ja tirei.. mas que susto... putz...
o cara renomeou a foto do site dele... e eu nao tinha salvo.. vou ver se tem no cache da faculdade a foto antiga pra voltar "ao normal".....
nerds notdead // 14:05

which translates in English to: what porra was that one of powerful super girls in blog here?
ja I took off. but that scare... putz...
the face renomeou the photo of the site of it... and I nao had saved.I go to see if pra has in cache of the college the old photo to come back
"to the normal one".....
nerds notdead// 14:05

hahahahha :D anyway, he actually had the nerves to write immediately to alb and ask why he had his pic removed and replaced..and was told the proper netiquette... :p

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