Wednesday, 8 May 2002


just watched Spidey! Really cool movie.. at end of show, I really felt like I just experienced a comic-book character come to life! Actions are unbelieveably real and I sat at the edge of my seat as Spidey swung through downtown Manhatten.. wow.. the twin towers of WTC were visibly missing from the skyscape... otherwise bet he would have swung between them too! Way to go, Spiderman!! :D

have been suffering from a severe case of eardrum blockage in my left ear since mid-way through London trip.. started with water getting into my ear during a shower and for some unknown reason it didn't automatically drain out this time round and now my left ear is really hard-of-hearing.. never experienced this before. was upset with neighbourhood GP who couldn't do much about it except give me a useless looking eardrop.. sigh.. will have to find an ENT (Ear-Nose-Throat) specialist if it doesn't get better.. in the meantime, if i meet you or you catch me across the street, speak up or shout, ya? I really can't hear you that well anymore.. :(

ya, just in case you were wondering.. I watched Spiderman in mono sound.. :(

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