Monday, 21 January 2002

watched critically-acclaimed French movie Amélié from Montmartre just now and think it is one of the best movie I've ever ever seen!! With the original quirky irrelevance and discordance of parts of the movie alongside the actual/main story line, the way the characters are introduced and developed, and the feel-good factor in the movie, I really can't imagine how the movie could end up not being a hit! :D Those are probably why the movie really struck a powerful chord in me... Simple storyline of pretty Amelie (played by amazingly adorable Audrey Tautou) who meddles in the lives of fellow Parisians and makes some serendipitious positive changes in their lives. Maybe it was also this thing they call "The Amélié Effect": an accumulation of good deeds and charitable acts the film inspires - really really cool! As one online movie reviewer says "The flick may not be deep but it is entertaining for both the eye and the intellect." Can't agree more.. I say this movie is a must-see. Please, please don't miss it.

Met up with some of my Primary 6 classmates for dinner gathering at Marche Restaurant just now. Wow! Haven't seen some of them for almost 15 years since we all left HPPS to our respective Secondary schools! Interesting to find out about the different paths we have all taken since then (we have a couple of lawyers, teachers, a researcher and others among them) and the varying perspectives and ideas we all have now. More intriguing was this game Miak made us play where we went round the table and everyone had to name someone else in the class who was not at the gathering... it was amazing how many of the names no longer sound familiar (let alone the faces!).. nonetheless we did manage to come up with all 43 names in the end. Wonder when we will finally have a gathering where everyone turns up. Not altogether impossible since we already have almost 26 people on our email list! Not bad, huh? :)

Fun. :)

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