Sunday, 13 January 2002

I have nothing new to write about today.

It’s one of those days.

And I remember that I used to think that this sort of days were the most wasted days. Every day had to be packed. Meeting people. Doing things. Trying out new stuff. Planning for more adventures… For some reason, I had to see myself (more than to be seen by other people) doing new and exciting things every single day. This was how I interpreted “Living Each Day To The Fullest”.

How wrong I was.

I like days like this now. I really do. Days of stillness and non-excitement somehow give that balance – the essential balance – to the other exciting & busy days. It’s only when my mind is really still and peaceful that I find myself stopping and looking within. I look at how things are going. I think about how I have been over the past few days. I think about how I have related to other people – the words of encouragement and inspiration, but also the words carelessly and hurtfully spoken. I contemplate silently and when I pray, I find myself hearing what God has to say more clearly, uncluttered by the noises of the day. I sleep more soundly at night and I feel more prepared for the day ahead. And I enjoy every experience that comes along after that more consciously and more deeply.

That I feel is living life to the fullest.

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