Monday, 5 November 2001

so do i feel OK now?? no, of course NOT! i'm feeling really frustrated!! in fact, i'm boiling inside and totally exasperated!! i woke up early today, ate breakfast, read the papers and got to work 15 mins early (*the first time in God knows how long!) - a great start to a day! I did everything like clockwork and fulfilled (i think) all the obligations that I promised for the day (sent out the quotations i promised, made the required phone calls, did the planning i needed to do, typed and sent off letters that needed sending, ordered stuff that needed ordering, served customers that had made prior arrangements to meet me, spoke to more prospective clients.. ALL IN ALL A GOOD DAY'S WORK..) and then what did i get at the end of a day?? An earful of scolding from my boss for something that wasn't even totally my fault! Something that was already agreed with and approved by him in the past! Worst still, he harped on about how it wasn't worthwhile doing some of the sales that we were currently doing and blah blah blah... urrgghhhh!!!! It's not that I really need heartfelt appreciation from anyone for the work I'm doing (after all, I do enjoy what I do).. it's just that.. its really frustrating when my judgement is constantly being questioned and someone harps on and on about something that is already in the past.. sheesh... *sigh* argh.. i don't want to talk about it anymore...

bought a black spiral-bound sketch book and have begun doodling.. it's amazingly therapeutic.. i'll upload some of my artwork once I've built up a little collection :)

some sites for great music downloads (not Napster, silly):
- Morphius Audio Club
- Audio Galaxy

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