Thursday, 14 March 2002

things seem to be looking up again :)

a couple of close friends (unfortunately not all yet) around me who have been depressed, uncertain or feeling "stuck" in this current phase of their lives (what I termed at that time as "age of emotional turmoil", a symptom of the much talked-about "quarter-life crisis") have since adopted various and all positive steps and outlooks to move along with their lives.

Maybe it is to do with this being March, the point in the year when you realise that three full months have passed and you take stock of what you have done with your life this year until now. Suddenly, fear grips you and you realise that if you don't start to make some changes in your life from this moment on, think positive and enjoy and maximise your time with the people around you who are close to you - this whole year could just pass you by... Worse still, your whole life could pass you by without notice! :O The good thing is, there are still nine more months to go (for 2002), so you decide that enough is enough and it is time to make the most of the rest of the year (and you think this could be the start of something if you really could put your mind to it). One friend has decided to stop procrastinating and to do all the unpleasant (but have to do) tasks that he has been putting off for a while and to really live every moment in the best way possible. Actually felt really glad to hear that.

Whatever is the reason, i'm glad the gloomy mood has lifted on a whole... :)

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