Saturday, 23 March 2002

Of course along the way came the question of: "If God really does exist, why doesn't he just make everyone believe in him?"

Can God force upon us this decision or this gift? Not if He is a loving and just God. As with all gifts, there are only three ways you can deal with it: You receive it, you deny it, or you ignore it. If you believe in Him and pray with a genuine heart to receive His gift and allow Him to change your life, He will embrace you and forgive you. If you reject Him outright, or pretend you don't need Him, He will let you have your way. Neither can He deny it to any, as a loving God would not create beings destined to go to Hell without hope. By accepting Christ's gift into your life you acknowledge that you are imperfect and need God in your life to help you. You submit to Him and are no longer rebellious. However, a soul that never acknowledges need for God remains in rebellion against Him. Hell is where the rebellious souls go when they die, and heaven is for those who have repented of their sin. Hell is eternal separation from God in a place where there will be great pain and suffering. Those in heaven enjoying God's presence will rejoice eternally having full knowledge of what they deserve, and basking in what joy they experience in God's awesome presence. They will be so overwhelmed with joy, love, peace, and happiness that they will have no other desire than to praise God for eternity- which they will of course choose to do.

It's quite simple. Think about it. And if you find that you can't accept this (or are getting annoyed reading this), for a moment just consider if this is something to do with your own selfish-pride.. if it is, then perhaps you are denying yourself the chance to know the truth and to know peace.. is it really worth it?

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