Sunday, 15 September 2002

mooncakes and pomelos... it's the mid-autumn festival again!! :) ... i have eaten... umm... an aggregate of 4 full mooncakes (at least??) since the start of the festival.. yum yum... i love the ones with double yolk and lots of melon seeds, especially the snowy skin green pandan ones.. yum... they are selling them everywhere in town!! Decided it was more than a snack and I should do a bit of study on the historical background of this custom so i surfed the net and found this.. (pardon me for my ignorance.. .but i really do get all the Chinese heroes mixed up.... i mean, there is this guy who was thrown into the river by some enemies and that started the dumpling thing, and then there is another story of Chinese households trying to stuff the mouth of some deity on New Year's Eve with sticky paste cake, and then now this story about Chu Yuan-chang leading the Han people of theYuan Dynasty to overthrow the Mongol rule by distributing mooncakes with the message "Revolt on the fifteenth of the eighth moon" hidden inside.. very confusing...

pomelo/s mooncakes

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