Thursday, 12 September 2002

lack of sleep is wrecking sheer havoc in my life...

remember the incident where i left this huge mounting board of fragile tiles on the roof of my car and then drove off unaware? a few days after that, i left something in the laundry and it was churned to unrecoverable shreds by the washing machine... and today... sigh... today, i left my Strategic Management lecture notes (a thick stack of notes, mind you), on Bus No. 14 on my way to work (it brings me to Dover station where i take the MRT) and only discovered it missing much later as i was getting off the Raffles Place MRT Interchange to switch to the Northern line...

fortunately, it proved worthless to anyone and made its long but safe voyage from near Clementi (where i left it behind on the bus seat) all the way to Bedok Bus Interchange and was kept by the very kind bus uncles from SBS Transit who contacted "Lost & Found" .... pretty amazing how i'm learning all these lessons of late... and fortunately relatively inexpensively.. except for the bus uncle who "extorted" $10 from me to donate to the President's Charity Drive before returning me my file.. didn't mind it though, it's for charity after all and i did learn a lesson to be more careful...

THANK GOD for watching over me...

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