Tuesday, 18 June 2002

syn·chro·nic·i·ty Pronunciation Key (sngkr-ns-t, sn-)
n. pl. syn·chro·nic·i·ties

1. The state or fact of being synchronous or simultaneous; synchronism.
2. Coincidence of events that seem to be meaningfully related, conceived in Jungian theory as an explanatory principle on the same order as causality.

this whole concept of synchronicity is intriguing... how some things just sometimes all fall into place mysteriously and coincidentally without logical explanation.. but actually i don't find it all too hard to explain if you do believe in your "guardian angel", which i do... :) .. i'm not really into the New Age thing lah so don't tell me about aliens from outer space, magic and wizards... .blahhh...

captured a buttercup moment on my way home:

buttercup moment #1 buttercup moment #2

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