Monday, 24 June 2002

didn't mention that my precious pair of Oakleys zeros was snitched during tioman dive trip..:(... left it carelessly in my dive bag in dive centre and came back to realise it had been taken.. case and all..very sad 'cos was one of the major expenses over the last three months.. :( .... in my moment of grief, i declared to myself that i must replace it with a similar pair or be forever grieving..... but then i came back to singapore, sat around and thought about it more, and came up with something else altogether ...

instead of just going out and spending another huge amount on another one, i decided to use a reward system to get it.. i have decided to start a virtual "piggy bank" where i will deposit $2 for every kilometre i run.. and i will not get my Oakleys until i get enough in this piggy bank.. which means i have to run... more than 100 kilometres! :O ...what the heck, i reckon it's time i push myself to make my running more regular anyway ..

and to give it a charity twist, i have decided to get "supporters" for this event who are willing to contribute any amount for every kilometre i run.. and i will give the money collected to my favourite charity -SPCA! :) oh well, just giving it a shot.. if you think you want to contribute, just email ( me.. :) i will keep you informed periodically of how far i have run...

oh well, so much for today's blabberings..

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