Wednesday, 12 June 2002

a colleague of mine suspected she had fishbone stuck in her throat early this afternoon but refused to go and check at the doctor's.. preferring to "go home for dinner later and stuff rice down throat to see whether can push it down (old wives' advice)"... coupled with the recent stories of young pretty girls dying of liver disease after taking slimming tablets and yesterday's story of the girl who didn't know she had heart problems and just dieted herself to death (eating fruits and vege 90% of the time, overexercising and letting her weight drop some 10 to 12kg) even though her weight was initially already perfectly fine.. i really sat up and thought about how some of us are abusing our bodies...

In "If Life is a Game, These are the Rules:Ten Rules for Being Human" by Chérie Carter-Scott, Ph.D.,

You may love it or hate it, but it will be yours for the duration of your life on Earth.

..some of us go through life abusing our bodies, either obviously, by what you read in the incidents above, or smoking or drinking excessively or more subliminally by eating the wrong foods and letting our bodies grow fat, sluggish, and lacking exercise, or keeping late nights.. or having appalling eating habits (of which i am among the very guilty..), or many many other ways... we continually behave as if we will have a chance to replace our bodies with a new one should it suddenly fail or something..

i always think.. do we really need to wait till something serious happens before we take note of how we are treating our bodies? :( or should we start respecting our bodies from this very moment on....? Respecting by treating our bodies with the same care we would give any other valuable and irreplaceable object..

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