Saturday, 20 April 2002

ROBODEX 2002 - a "large-scale exhibition in the world to gather human symbiotic robots" is to "provide people with "love" and "dream" through robots and to realize a society where humans and robots cohabit with each other."

would you want to marry a robot one day?

Matwix - Matrix a-la Looney Tunes

The Sony Clie PEG-NR70V is extremely tempting.. i sometimes actually wish my IBM Wordpad C3 will die on me so i have an excuse to get this... :p

Center for Online and Internet Addiction.. I think I really do have Cyber Mental Illness! - "Problematic Internet use associated with significant social, psychological, and occupational impairment... Symptoms include a preoccupation with the Internet, increased anxiety when off-line, hiding or lying about the extent of on-line use, and impairment to real-life functioning. :O

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