Wednesday, 15 October 2003

what's happening tonight..

a bunch of us teacher trainee folks are at home practicing hard to to speak in a way that will be barely understood by our students when we finally leave and go out into the "real teaching world"..

for example:

lingerie.. we say LAND-jer-ree
revolution.... we say rair-ver-LU-sion
wednesday.. we say WENZ-dee
holiday.... we say HOL-lee-dee..
prowess... we say PRAOssssss
towel.... we say TAO.....
jaguar... we say JAG-yooo-wer......
absurd.... we say urb-ZURD..
algae... we say EL-geee...
opportunity... we say op-per-TUI-ner-ti...
vehicle... we say vee-ee- kurl..
renaissance.... we say ree-nay-sens....

amongst others...

yes, tomorrow, we will be tested on our abilities to speak with British accents for a selected list of "troublesome words", while at the same time maintaining our usual Singaporean accents for the other words that we read in a passage..

we will sound so weird, as we have been doing everytime we practice... but what to do... what to do...

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