Tuesday, 29 July 2003


i have found it, thus far, unnecessary to add to the debate on homosexuality that been going on in the local media, following PM Goh's statement on the "quiet change" by the govt on employing gays in the civil service. to me, the debate will go on, and there will always be a part of society which will find it hard to accept, or even try to understand, those who are different from them. i do not want to take a firm stand on this issue, for the very simple reason that taking a firm stand seems to run counter to my belief of being "open"..

nonetheless, this mass mail that i received from an old schoolmate today touched me tremendously, and i thought it apt to share it. i have deleted his name, not because i am ashamed of who he is (i am not), but because i take his email as a personal one, from a friend, seeking understanding from another...

"hi everyone.

it's been a while since we all met, and i guess it'll probably be one
of the upcoming weddings that we'll see each other.

you guys have known me for a long, long time. - at least 16 years,
more than half our lives, and though i've not interacted much over
the years (save for a few of you), you all have been part of my life.

the recent statement by the PM, and the media coverage following
that, as well as the reaction from the conservative Churches have
brought the issue of homosexuality to the top of a lot of people's

most of you already know that i am gay. some of you probably figured
that out, some of you probably suspected. it didn't really matter
because i think that my sexuality has nothing to do with our

but me being me, i have to get involved with things - and i'm one of
the activists involved in the gay community and i'd rather come out
to you guys on my terms, rather than having you guys find out from
the media.

i also have to put my money where my mouth is. coming out to people
around me puts a face to the so-called homosexual threat, and i can
change perceptions of the heterosexual majority.

some of you may have issues with homosexuality. well, so do i. it
took me a long time to grapple with it - and trust me, it is not an
easy struggle.

i hope that this begins a process of understanding, and hope that in
doing this, i help people understand more about homosexuals - that
despite of our sexual preferences, we are at the end of the day,

your friend,

he's right.. it really doesn't matter at the end of it... not to our friendship, anyway..

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