Sunday, 15 June 2003

write it down, make it happen

here's something to do on a quiet, uneventful weekend afternoon:

"Compose your own list of goals you want to achieve before you die. Go to an expresso bar and buy a latte, or put on a pot of peppermint tea at your own house. Set the stereo for the kind of music you like best and start to write. Visualize EVERYTHING you want. Write fast. Do not linger over the page. Do not be afraid of wanting too much. Write down even those ambitions which you have no practical means of accomplishment. If you find yourself dismissing a goal as grandiose or far-fetched, write it anyway and put a star next to it. Come up with a list of 100 goals if possible (you can add to it over the next couple of days too)"

the idea behind this is that once you write down your dreams and aspirations, you are like hanging up a sign that says, "Open for Business." and that you declare yourself "in the game". It is the first step towards achieving them and helps you understand what you want. it doesn't mean that we believe our own efforts are sufficient. In fact, a lot of these goals require a deep faith in "divine intervention" and acknowledging that a higher power is involved in guiding, watching out and caring for us along the way.

read this in Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want - and Getting It! by Henriette Anne Klauser , which i found to be not so much a self-help book, but more a highly readable practical book of fun and inspiring ideas. Devoured half the book last Friday at People's Park Complex hawker centre over a bowl of Mr Bean tau huay with glutinous rice balls peanut soup.

Cheapest copy can be found at Success Shop in Peninsular Plaza for $9.90.

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