Monday, 23 June 2003

g o o d ... m o r n i n g ... m i s s ... a w....

i've finally received the piece of good news i've been anxiously awaiting over the past month - I'VE BEEN OFFERED A TEACHING POSITION WITH THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION! HOORAY!! I HAVE THE CHANCE TO MOULD THE FUTURE IN A VERY REAL & DIRECT WAY NOW! :)

as they say, "THOSE WHO CAN, TEACH.".. last month, after i stopped working at the artshop, i decided that this statement really makes sense now (the thought of teaching as a career is not a new one to me, and one that has grown stronger with time), and i somehow had the feeling and belief that i could be a pretty good educator (haha.. don't ask me how i came to that conclusion... i've got good friends who encourage me all the time... thanks y'all! :)) above all, i have always hoped that along the way, someone should try introducing stuff like "The Socratic Method: Teaching by Asking Instead of by Telling" and other cool and seemingly effective new education methods to the system (ok, ok.. i know i may not always be allowed to do a Dead Poet's Society thingey. i see what i can do, i guess...)

i've kept my application pretty low-key in my blog this month and past as i've not really been all that confident about making it in, what with all the competition.

all that wait has been worth it! it's really hard to describe how i feel now.. i guess the best would be to describe it as "anticipating with excitement and embracing the challenge ahead.." imagine being able to directly impact the future through the feelings and attitudes i may be able to instill in my students...

what a great day! :)

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