Tuesday, 1 October 2002

If you are the type of blogger who, like me, thinks of new stuff to blog about throughout the day and yet has no ready access to the computer till you get home, you would certainly have experienced what I am about to describe. As I busied myself throughout today serving the mass of new and old customers who have just discovered our beautiful new store at Takashimaya, I knew that I would blog about how excited and proud I am of our new place and how glad I am now that the shop has kinda settled into place nicely. Then, I went down to the Takashimaya Food Hall on Level B2 for a quick pre-dinner bite, enjoying the really yummy $2 Beard Papa Cream Puff from Japan (melt-in-the-mouth), followed by a mango salad (spicy and shiok) from Tuk Tuk Thai Food Stall, before walking around enjoying the wonderful sights and smells from the different foodstalls there, I knew that I wanted to blog about what a wonderful shopping mall I think Takashimaya is. It’s the best!! But then, just about an hour ago, I got home, flipped open today’s copy of Life! and now I know I want to blog about Kelvin Tong’s article instead.

How true it is indeed that October has a way of getting most of us, in particular the natural procrastinators like myself, to start thinking seriously, and getting off our armchairs, to finally get started on some of those stagnating new year resolutions set some 10 months back. He writes: “October marks the start of catching up; the beginning of that final push. And, of course, it signposts the looming end of yet another year…. a resigned acceptance that (we are) now on to the last leg of the year; a period of what is left, rather than what is ahead..”.. Isn’t it so true.. we all think to ourselves: “Oh dear, it is October already!”… gloom … and then invariably it starts to rain.. (monsoon season.. time for the brollies..)

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