Thursday, 11 July 2002

i'm experiencing such a high now from studying the topic of Strategy in class that i can fully understand why some people just can't stop studying and start working like everyone else.... they go to school to get a bachelors degree, then a masters and then a phd.. and just when you thought they have reached the end of their academic road, they surprise you by taking yet another bachelor's degree in a totally new and funky (though not altogether "practical") field, something like archeology, or astronomy, or botany, committing themselves to another couple of years of intense academic work...... but experiencing this high now, studying a topic that has got realtime, real world examples (in the form of the collapse of giants Enron, Worldcom), i really think that sometimes, acquiring knowledge for knowledge's sake can be so much fun... :) ... and (correct me if i am wrong, Lynn..), i always imagine that i will get more "folds" or "nerves" in my brain if i use it more.. i.e. when i die and they cut my head open, my brain will not be so "smooth"... :P

maybe i should get a qualification in art history or something fun like that just for the heck of it....:D... then i could become a museum curator.. or work in an auction house.. haha... :D

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