Thursday, 25 May 2006

Where I am NOW...

this is rather accurate.. but i shan't tell you the bits that are and those that are not.. :P

Your Existing Situation

Willing and adaptable. Only at peace when closely attached to a person, group, or organization on a which reliance can be placed.

Your Stress Sources

The tenacity and strength of will necessary to contend with existing difficulties has become weakened. Feels overtaxed, worn out, and getting nowhere, but continues to stand her ground. She feels this adverse situation as an actual tangible pressure which is intolerable to her and from which she wants to escape, but she feels unable to make the necessary decision.

Your Restrained Characteristics

Conditions are such that she will not let herself become intimately involved without making mental reservations.

Able to achieve satisfaction through sexual activity. :O

Your Desired Objective

Has exaggerated demands on life which are concealed behind specious rationalization and cautious behavior. Wishes to impress others with her achievements, but camouflages this desire and is inclined to be covert.

Your Actual Problem

Failure to establish herself in a manner consonant with her own high opinion of her worth, combined with the continued effort to prove herself with inadequate resources, have resulted in considerable stress. Tries to escape from these excessive demands on her meager reserves by adopting a defensive attitude in which she refuses to be committed, or to be involved in further unpleasantness.

ColorQuiz.comhweeling took the free personality test!

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