Wednesday, 14 May 2008

"Our pandas are ok"

Chengdu Panda Breeding and Research Center

... so said my travel companion to Chengdu and Tibet last year, over msn to me just two days ago... and this was also confirmed by the AP news report i find online... that's a relief, at least.. so huge and yet gentle is how i remember these lovely bi-colored bamboo chewing herbivores.. and of cos there were the frisky red pandas too, with their thick striped tails...

and as i type this blog entry, i hear the news blaring out from the living room tv, giving updates on the latest death toll in the Sichuan province.. 15,000... and interviews with the people who survived.. so many disasters, one after another, natural, manmade.. i can barely bring myself to read the papers nowadays... After the crackdown in Lhasa, then all that hoo-ha with the olympic torch, and then the myanmar cyclone and now the 7.8 richter scale earthquake.. and if that wasn't enough, i just read a report on the series of bomb blasts in Jaipur, a fascinating city which i visited just a mere 4 years ago on my month and a half long trip to the colourful desert state of Rajasthan in India.....

its hard to be optimistic about the future... but we must try i guess...

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