Tuesday, 8 November 2005

Observing Moon Craters with A Bino

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i was trying to share my joy of seeing moon craters with my bino just now with my mum and i realised she was just nodding mindlessly to everything i was saying. Distracted by the TV. some silly taiwanese talk show.

she didn't even react when i told her i could see Chang Er on the moon.


so i decided i must share it online.. you have to try this out. blew me away.. you need a somewhat high powered binoculars (12x60s or 20 x 80s.. mine is 16x50s). try to rest the binos on something stable so u can observe the surface slowly... its pretty fascinating..

best is when the moon is in a half or crescent .. when it is full moon, the moon is at its brightest because the Sun shines onto the Moon from almost directly behind us so we probably can see no shadows of craters and mountains...

the black bits are the moon's large, dark plains, called maria (the Latin plural of mare, "sea"). the maria are great lava flows that filled much of the lunar lowlands billions of years ago. astronomers have already named all the major craters and valleys and what nots (you can see this below). if u r interested, i'm sure u can find tonnes of info on this online..

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amazing hor??

we can see all this because in astronomical terms, the moon isn't really that far away - just a quarter million miles from Earth.. :)

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