Monday, 17 December 2001

feeling a little restless and perturbed now cos everyone around me seems to be having relationship problems of one kind or another all of a sudden (!) - out of the blue.... it's either about one party saying the other can't make an adequate commitment to the relationship; or about how much space to give to each other... there are also woes about new people walking into existing shaky relationships, or old ex-es suddenly turning up in the cold, stirring up old unsettled passions... a lot of these problems also started when one or the other gets shaky feet when the issue of marriage comes up.... when they suddenly are faced again with the question of "Is this The One for me?"... while others are yet about how much of the old respect and inspiration they used to have from the other are now suddenly missing. ... .a lot of the friends i know who feel themselves "stuck" in these situations find the problems worsened by poor communication and minds clouded by emotional, physical and mental exhaustion.... sigh... it is so hard to be at our age...

i call this the "Age of Emotional Turmoil"..

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